future management consulting ltd.(fmc) is one of the reputable, competitive and fast growing executive search firms in china. currently fmc operates four offices (shanghai, beijing, guangzhou, and shenzhen in china). another two offices in chengdu and tianjin are under preparation. at this stage, fmc mainly specializes in executive search. most of our clients are fortune 500 american and european multinational companies. for more detailed information about fmc, please visit our web.<br><br>fmc mission<br>-helping our clients to build their success in business and individuals in their careers.<br>-to be one of the most competitive consulting firms in china.<br>-to continue our reputation as a professional, performance-oriented consulting firm.<br>-to share the success of business with all our people.<br><br>fmc philosophy<br>-business could be fun.<br>-we believe in the power of internal desire.<br>-passion, courage and potential actualization through collective entrepreneurship.<br><br>fmc tradition<br>-working hard.<br>-working smart.<br>-working in a team.<br>with our rapid business growth in china, we are looking for people to join us and grow with us.<br><br>we could be reached by the means:<br>您可以通过所述方式联系我们:<br>(important notes: it would be highly appreciated that you could send us your recent photo together with your application)<br>为了提高招聘/应聘过程的效率,请在来信的主题和正文中注明您申请的职位及您能任职的地域(上海,北京,深圳或成都)。同时请用个人邮箱(如hotmail;sina等)直接发送简历到我们上述指定的邮箱。请一定不要通过招聘网站的便捷提交功能发送简历,以免我们无法即时处理您的简历,谢谢。查看更多
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