astec power, a wholly owned subsidiary of emerson, was established in 1971. it is a worldwide and leading supplier of standard, modified standard, custom ac/dc and dc/dc power supplies for a diverse range of applications in a variety of industries including telecommunications, networking, computing, office system, medical, process control, test and instrumentation. astec has design and production operations on three continents to best serve its international customers.<br>bao’an plant and luoding plant were founded in 1988 and 1995 respectively with nearly 10000 employees. bao’an plant obtained iso9002 and iso14001 in 1992 and 1999 respectively. china business in 1998 was positioned at no.106 of top 500 foreign investment in china. astec was certified as“shenzhen high-tech enterprise” in 2001. we pride ourselves in meeting technical and commercial challenges, coupled with a strategy designed to manufacture products at the lowest possible cost to facilitate our customer’s request. <br><br>雅达电子有限公司成立于1971年,是艾默生集团全资子公司,世界上电源供应器的主要供应商,素以技术先进,产品优良闻名于世。我们的产品被广泛应用于计算机、办公系统、医疗、通讯和工业等领域。公司在北美、欧洲和亚洲设有生产基地和设计中心。<br>雅达公司1988年在深圳宝安、95年在广东罗定设厂,1999年在深圳建立研发中心,拥有国内雇员近10,000人。<br>公司于1992年和1999年分别通过了iso9002和iso14001认证。<br>在1998年国家统计局评选的“全国首500家外商投资企业”中排名<br>第106位。2001年被深圳市科学技术局评为“深圳市高新技术企业”。<br>公司敢于接受技术和商业挑战,不断致力于降低成本,以满足客户需要。<br>公司非常重视人才的培养和发展,为职员提供各类长短期培训课程及海外培训,提高职员的专业技术能力和管理水平,课程内容涉及管理知识与技巧、工程等多方面,另外,公司还与国内多家名牌大学合作,开办高技术的培训课程,如硕士及技术方面的有关课程。<br>请登陆www.astec.com了解更多艾默生及雅达公司情况。<br><br>深圳宝安福永厂:<br>邮件地址<br>公司地址:深圳市宝安区福永街道办凤塘大道艾默生工业园<br>乘车路线: 乘公交车到福永汽车站或福永桥底,在福永桥底乘754到艾默生工业园站下查看更多
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