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  广东省皇朝大酒店是中澳合资企业,是一家超四星级娱乐管理集团公司,是集客房、餐饮、休闲、娱乐为一体的大型娱乐场所。公司下设夜总会,俱乐部,酒吧,洗浴,饭店,宾馆等。企业资金雄厚,规模宏大,管理完善,是一个完全独立的超豪华私人度假娱乐空间。酒店整体由国际大师鼎力设计,尊贵典雅与现代时尚的精髓相互交融,雍容华贵中又不脱儒雅风范,充分体现出东方文化的博大精深,细节之处更是体现了解构主义的后现代风格,令您醉心于超现代艺术之中。<br> <br>      富豪、高官、阔少、明星、商界精英、港澳台商、俄罗斯、日本、韩国等客人在此乐此不彼,乐而忘返,来“皇朝大酒店”一直被客人当作最尊贵身份的象征。 美伦美焕的表演剧场,异国情调的经典歌舞,百名佳丽的倾情献艺,奢靡的仙境和非凡魅力的美酒,诱发出内心更深一层的韵味。就这样让人把情感浓郁起来的地方,它温暖的让人想流泪,在这种东方与西方文化的交融中,展示给您的就像是一个性感但又不失优雅风韵的女人,谱写繁华都市丛林中一种濒危的艺术,营造一份独特格调的品质生活氛围。 前卫的舞美效果,水与火相交的舞台设计又是创世纪的一大突破,堪与明星演唱会的舞台效果相媲美。表演节目丰富多彩,华丽的舞台、乐队的音乐,熙來攘往的人流,使你感觉置身于幻境之中。不仅有装修豪华、视听效果极佳的演艺大厅,而且还有情调各异的近百间ktv包房包房供选择,包房均间间独特、式式新颖、款款动人。<br><br>     定期举办的不同主题party,时时为您打造意想不到的party盛会,带给您各具特色的不同感受。明星大腕的光临,你会发现那些屏幕上您喜爱的偶像距离原来如此之近。 皇朝大酒店的夜生活正期待着一个惊奇的变幻。皇朝大酒店是娱乐业的一颗璀璨明珠,夜生活模式从此开始改变。华美的景致,卓越的设计,至尊的享受……必将颠覆娱乐的传统,挑战世界娱乐的巅峰。 <br><br>酒店网站:www.gdhuangchao.com<br><br>咨询:<br><br>guangdong province is the dynasty hotel in the australian joint venture, is an ultra-four-star entertainment management company, is set rooms, catering, leisure and entertainment as one of the major places of entertainment. the company set up under the nightclub, clubs, bars, toiletries, restaurants, hotels, etc.. well-funded enterprises, large-scale, well-managed, is a fully independent super-luxury private holiday entertainment space. hotel overall by the international masters full design, the distinguished elegant and modern fashion the essence of mutual exchanges, not from ruya yongronghuagui in style, to give full expression to the profound oriental culture, is more of the details of the deconstruction of the post-modern style, you love of the ultra-modern art. <br>regal, senior officials, kuo shao, star, business elite, hong kong, macao, russia, japan, south korea, and other guests in this music will not he, in time to enjoy, to "dynasty hotel," has been deemed the most distinguished guests as the symbol. meilen us-hwan, theatre performances, exotic classical dance, and perform 100 beauty of the qing qing, shemi fairyland and the extraordinary charm of wine, induced heart deeper flavor. it was so strong feelings of the people together, the warmth of its people to tears, in which east and west cultural exchanges, the show is to you as a sexy yet elegant charm but the woman, and write a a jungle in the heart of the city endangered the arts, creating a unique style, the quality of life atmosphere. wu mei effect of the avant-garde, water and fire intersection of the stage design is the genesis of a major breakthrough, and indeed the star concert stage results comparable. performances are rich, colorful, gorgeous stage, the band's music, hee to rang to the flow of people, so that you feel outside the tales of. not only luxurious decoration, audio-visual effect of excellent performing arts hall, but there are nearly 100 different atmosphere between the choice of ktv rooms for private dining rooms, private dining rooms are among intergovernmental unique, novel-style, moving sections. <br>held on a regular basis the different themes party, from time to time for an unexpected event of the party, bring you the different characteristics of different feelings. taiwan star presence, you will find those on your favorite screen idols such a close distance from the original. dynasty hotel nightlife are looking forward to a surprising changes. dynasty hotel, the entertainment industry is a shining pearl, nightlife from this pattern began to change. china and the united states the scenery, excellent design, the supreme…… will certainly enjoy the subversion of traditional entertainment, challenges the pinnacle of world entertainment. <br><br>address: guangzhou tianhe sports road west, 5-22, tel :  wang jingli  advisory:



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