
燕京行实业(深圳)有限公司yin king hong industrial(shenzhen)coltd

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  燕京行创立于1978年,总部在香港,在深圳、北京、上海、成都分别设有分公司和办事处。燕京行是世界高科技印刷设备解决方案的主要供应商之一。<br>    燕京行代理许多世界著名印刷设备厂家的产品,包括:数码印刷机、印刷机、ctp、大幅平面扫描仪、激光照排机、印刷工作流程管理系统、传统制版设备和印刷耗材等。<br>    燕京行目前主要代理以下世界领先厂家的产品:德纳福、data、宝禄德福、ecrm、富士、古龙彦、kba、luescher、欧力、洛克比尔。<br>    燕京行以环保天下为己任,以德纳福,造福社群为宗旨与留美专家研制开发《德纳福》ctp显影液,开拓环保印刷市场。<br>    燕京行的一贯宗旨是选取高质量的产品和技术提高用户的生产力并协助用户进入数字化工艺和信息化管理时代。<br>    燕京行拥有员工百余人,有一批经常接受国外高新技术培训的高级工程技术人员,他们具有丰富的经验并及时为客户服务。<br>    燕京行积极参与科技交流经济合作活动,与丹麦厂方长期密切合作,发展适合中国和亚太地区的高科技产品。在新世纪,燕京行愿和各地朋友紧密携手前进。<br><br>china yin king company limited was founded in 1978. headquartered in hong kong, and subsidiaries in beijing, shanghai, chengdu and shenzhen. during the last twenty years, china yin king devoted in introducing the overseas advanced printing technology and the equipments for the chinese print market development. besides that, china yin king has been actively servicing the graphic industries and as a main total solution provider. <br><br>china yin king is the distributors for many world well known graphics equipment manufacturers. today china yin king is serving the industries with digital printing, workflow solutions, computer to plate systems, computer to film, packaging & corrugated system, and conventional graphic equipments and print consumables. all those services and solutions are well accepted by our graphics industries.<br><br>the persistent objective of china yin king is to introduce quality products and solutions to enhance users' productivity and assist them to enter the age of digital workflow and information technology management. in the past twenties years, along with the reform and development of the printing industry, china yin king is always the first to introduce advanced solution into china and hong kong market.  china yin king has employees over 100 and its engineers are trained from overseas on latest technology. they have rich experience and can offer services to customers in time.  china yin king always provides customers' comments to the manufacturers so that they can tailor their products to meet the needs of customers. <br><br>china yin king actively participate in technology and economic exchange activities and closely cooperate with world leading manufacturers to develop high technology products, which are suitable to china and asia pacific regions. in the new millennium, china yin king will closely proceed with partners worldwide hand in hand.


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