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  关于萨蒂扬<br>萨蒂扬软件技术有限公司(纽约证券交易所代码: say )是一家全球性咨询与信息技术服务公司。它提供一系列的专业技术,旨在帮助客户重新策划与重新创造其业务,在不断变化的市场中竞争成功。萨蒂扬拥有 近* 名技术高超的专业人员,在现场、非现场、离岸与近岸工作,为多个产业领域的公司提供度身定制的信息技术解决方案。遍布世界各地的26个萨蒂扬开发中心为全球 541* 家公司提供服务,其中 158* 家为财富全球 500 强与财富美国 500 强企业。萨蒂扬在六大洲 55 个国家设有办事处。<br><br>萨蒂扬软件技术(上海)有限公司<br>早在2002年, 萨蒂扬进入中国-成为第一家进入中国的印度it公司。 位于上海张江高科技园区浦东软件园的萨蒂扬软件技术(上海)有限公司 (外商独资企业)占地2500多平方米, 拥有300多个座位, 配备有高速网络, 视频会议, ip电话, 指纹识别系统等设施。<br><br>萨蒂扬在中国拥有广泛的分布: 在上海, 大连和广州设立了研发中心, 在北京, 香港和台湾设立了销售处。 2007年2月8日, 全球交付中心在南京启动。 该中心拥有2500个座位, 将是萨蒂扬在印度以外最大的研发机构。 凭借这些分支机构, 萨蒂扬中国有信心为欧美, 日本, 韩国和香港的客户提供更好的离岸, 近岸服务。 <br><br>截止到2007年1月底, 萨蒂扬中国的450多名的高素质员工(98%为本地员工)为在华的140多家跨国公司, 合作公司和大型本土企业提供3e服务: 企业解决方案(enterprise solution); 嵌入系统服务(电子)(embedded system services); 工程服务(机械)(engineering services)。<br><br>萨蒂扬中国与全球领先的技术供应商建立了深入的合作伙伴关系, 如微软, sap, 甲骨文, bea, k2等。 更重要的是, 萨蒂扬已经建立起对中国文化和商业背景的深厚了解。<br><br>satyam computer services ltd&#; (nyse: say), a leading global consulting and information technology services company, provides a comprehensive scope of services to help customers reengineer and reinvent their businesses to compete successfully in an ever-changing marketplace&#; nearly * highly skilled satyam professionals work onsite, offsite, offshore, and nearshore to provide customized business solutions for companies in several industries&#; satyam has 26 development centers over the world, which serve 541* global companies, of which 158* are fortune global 500 and fortune us 500 corporations&#; satyam’s presence spans 55 countries, across six continents&#;<br>(* figures up to dec&#; )<br><br>satyam computer services (shanghai) co&#;, ltd<br>back in february 2002, satyam was the first indian tier 1 it company to enter into china&#;  located in shanghai pudong software park of zhangjiang hi-tech park, satyam computer services (shanghai) co&#;, ltd has achieved wholly owned foreign enterprise status (wofe) and occupies around 2000 square meters with 300 seats capacities and equipped with robust infrastructure linked via high-speed connectivity, video conferencing and ip telephony&#; <br><br>satyam china has the widest presences among the indian it companies in china: the development centers in shanghai, dalian and guangzhou, sales offices in beijing, hong kong and taiwan&#; on february 8, 2007, global delivery campus (gdc) in nanjing was launched&#;  with 2,500 seats, the nanjing gdc will be the satyam’s largest development facility outside of india&#; with all these presences, satyam china is confident to provide better offshore/nearshore services to eu&us, japan, korean and hong kong customers&#; <br><br>up the end of 2007 january, over 450 high skilled satyam china professionals (98% are the local talents) are serving over 140 mncs, jvs and the big local state-owned-companies in china mainly on 3e services: enterprise solution; embedded system services; engineering services&#; <br><br>furthermore satyam china has set up close alliance relationship with the global top technology vendors, i&#;e&#; microsoft, sap, oracle, bea, k2 etc&#; and more importantly, satyam has set up the deep understanding of china business background</p>


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