

五险一金 员工福利 加班补贴 人性化管理 提升空间大 良性竞争机制



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  深圳市佳明国际货运代理有限公司是经中华人民共和国外经贸部及深圳市政府批准成立的国家一级国际货物运输代理公司, 秉承“贴身服务, 专业服务, 客户至上, 信誉至上” 的服务宗旨, 历经数年努力, 已发展成为一间具有较高专业素质及完善服务网络国际货运代理公司.<br>本公司主要承办国际海运, 空运, 海空联运,中港运输,内陆运输业务, 包括: 代理验货, 订舱, 拖车,货物中转, 仓储, 进出口报关, 报检, 货物分销, 运输保险, 以及其它与运输, 报关, 进出口有关的咨询 / 运输代理服务.<br>我们在盐田,蛇口及笋岗口岸提供仓储(普通仓和海关监管仓), 中转服务。同时, 本公司还在盐田, 蛇口, 文锦渡, 皇岗, 沙头角等海陆口岸提供进出口报关代理服务, 一般产地证(c.o.), 普惠制产地证(form a), 商检, 代办大使馆认证等相关业务.<br>我们与hamburgsud,maersk,cma,msc,apl,cosco,oocl等各大船公司有着良好而持久的合作关系, 公司员工更拥有丰富的专业知识, 熟悉本地 / 香港运作, 文件单证(全程提单及其他相关证明文件)交接认真及时, 对突发事件, 紧急事件的反映迅速, 善于设计快捷, 安全, 低成本的最优物流模式, 以此来帮助客户应对竞争激烈, 形势多变的国内 / 国际市场.<br><br>shenzhen jiaming int’l freight agency ltd. decided to develop an international network of true partners to be able to answer all of our clients needs. we also wanted to be able to keep our word. <br>we know that our success is dependant on world traffic of cargo, and without an international partner network, to compliment our domestic (china) partners, we cannot be honest when we say "yes, we can server you better ! " <br>we also desire that our partners have the greatest success. to that end, we promote our partners as much as we promote ourselves. <br>we invite you to contact us at our head office in china directly if you are seeking logistics solutions for your valuable cargo, whether your firm is importing into china through the pearl river delta region or exporting from china, to the world. <br>we also invite your firm to contact our shenzhen office, for information concerning import, export, trucking, warehousing, distribution, consolidation, shipping, customs clearance, or any aspect of the full service, supply chain management, logistics industry, or for information that is specific to your firm's requirements.<br>the most common responses we receive from our customers is "do you really have a professional firm in another country we can trust?" and "can you look after all aspects of this shipment?" the answer to both questions is "yes."<br>this concept of having a true partnership relationship with firms around the world that we and our clients can trust, and not just giving "lip service" to the concept by using "agents" and just using "partner" as a euphemism, is not only new in china but also in asia.<br>we have also found the full implementation of this concept also protects our own interests as well as our partners because there is no chance that some "third party" from perhaps a related industry will try and draw the client to themselves by offering extremely low rates until the client is using them, and then raising rates once the client is "orphaned" from the forwarding professional on whom they had been depending!<br>our staff of professionals are from within the transportation industry, the shipping industry and the cargo handling industry. many of our staff have been with the firm since inception and they truly.</p>


  • 公司名称: 深圳市佳明国际货运代理有限公司
  • 公司状态: 存续
  • 行业: 装卸搬运和运输代理业
  • 公司类型: 有限责任公司(自然人独资)
  • 地址: 深圳市福田区深南路与新洲路交汇处东南侧航天大厦A座2003
  • 企业规模: 小于50人
  • 法人代表: 王卫东
  • 注册资本: 1000万人民币
  • 注册时间: 2004年12月06日
  • 注册号: 440301106886779
  • 统一社会信用代码: 914403007691840642
  • 组织机构代码: 769184064
  • 登记机关: 深圳市市场监督管理局
  • 注册地址: 深圳市福田区深南路与新洲路交汇处东南侧航天大厦A座2003
  • 营业期限: 2004-12-06至无固定期限
  • 核准日期: 2019年05月13日
  • 经营范围:





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