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  • liling@aussino.net

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  aussino world wines<br><br>aussino world wines was established in 1996. as a prestigious company, aussino targets and concentrates on medium and high-end market by supplying more than 1000 wines, which are selected from over 200 remarkable wineries of the top 12 wine producing countries. aussino is proud of being the no.1 bordeaux grand cru classe importer and the no.1 fine wine importer by value in china.<br><br>over 40 aussino cellars, 40 aussino wine shops and 100 aussino wine corners, totally 200 retail outlets have opened and allocated nationwide in china. there has been approximately 1000 full-time staff (both direct and indirect staff) in aussino. <br><br>the core business philosophy leads aussino to emphasize on the promotion of wine education in different aspects. we established aussino wine culture & education centre which has published a series of wine books such as ”wine guide by aussino”, “mini wine guide by aussino”, dm magazine “aussino wine life”, and created a comprehensive website: www.aussino.net to enable wine lovers to access various kind of wine knowledge in dissimilar manner. in addition, we are pleased to add that the education centre is also the accredited school of ecole du vin de bordeaux in guangzhou and the member of australian wine and spirit association. we are as well ready to provide professional training service for people from different levels and all walks of life. according to the customer demand we publish the first wine education dvd which is also the first multimedia education tool in chinese wine industry. <br><br>with rapidly development of china’s business, we need more high calibers and potential candidates to join our organization.<br><br>富隆酒业 <br><br>澳洲富隆国际酒业有限公司(简称:富隆酒业)成立于1996年,是一家经营进口中高端精品葡萄酒的品牌机构。现拥有来自世界12个著名葡萄酒出产国的200多个国际一线精品庄园, 1000多款名优葡萄酒的经销权或独家代理权,在中国葡萄酒行业占有举足轻重的领导地位。<br><br>富隆酒业在全国已有40多家酒窖,40多家酒屋和100多家酒坊,共200多家终端店铺,雇佣超过1000名全职员工。<br><br>富隆酒业一直以来都以推广葡萄酒文化为经营理念。为此,公司设立了富隆葡萄酒文化中心,一方面组织编写葡萄酒知识刊物, 出版《葡萄酒鉴》、《葡萄酒鉴赏使用手册》等系列丛书及《富隆美酒生活》期刊,建设专业网站: www.aussino.net。另一方面,中心提供专业的葡萄酒知识培训课程,是法国波尔多葡萄酒学院,澳大利亚葡萄酒与烈酒行业协会的合作伙伴。在多媒体教学方面,中心率先推出业内首张葡萄酒教学dvd光碟《葡萄酒鉴赏入门篇》。<br><br>随着在中国业务的快速增长,我们诚聘英才。</p>


  • 公司名称: 澳大利亚富隆国际酒业有限公司广州代表处
  • 公司状态: 注销
  • 行业: 商务服务业
  • 公司类型: 外国(地区)企业常驻代表机构
  • 地址: 广州市天河区临江大道5号第15层03单元
  • 法人代表: YU HUI SHEN
  • 注册时间: 2002年07月06日
  • 注册号: 440101500009796
  • 登记机关: 广州市工商行政管理局
  • 注册地址: 广州市天河区临江大道5号第15层03单元
  • 营业期限: 2002-07-06至2021-06-18
  • 核准日期: 2013年01月11日
  • 经营范围:





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